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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 6, 2023

Forms of Setting up company in Vietnam

 Forms of Setting up company in Vietnam

According the Vietnam Law on Enterprises, there are four common types of companies:

-Private enterprise


-Joint stock company

-Limited liability company

Forms of Setting up company in Vietnam

-Private enterprise is a business run by a single person who is responsible for all of its operations and owns all of its assets;

-Partnership is an organization in which (i) at least two partners co-own the business and operate jointly under a single name; There may be limited partners in addition to general partners; ii) A partnership's general partners must be individuals who are fully responsible for the partnership's obligations with their entire property: iii) Limited partners are only responsible for the partnership's debts up to the amount of their capital contribution;

-Joint stock company is an enterprise where i) Its contract capital is partitioned into equivalent bits known as shares; ( ii) Shareholders may be individuals or organizations; the base number of investors will be three and will not be confined to a specific most extreme number; ( iii) Its shareholders are only responsible for the debts and other property obligations of the company up to the value of their capital contribution; ( iv) Shareholders will be free to transfer their shares in accordance with the law;

-Limited liability company (also known as a single-member or multi-member limited liability company). A one-member limited liability company is an enterprise which is owned by one organization or individual (hereinafter referred to as the company owner); Within the company's charter capital, the owner is responsible for the company's debts and other property obligations. A business is a limited liability company if: i) Members may be individuals or organizations; The number of members in total cannot be more than fifty; ( ii) Individuals are answerable for obligations and other property liabilities of the undertaking inside how much capital that they have resolved to add to the endeavor; ( iii) The members' capital shares can only be transferred in accordance with the law.

ANT Lawyers is a law firm in Vietnam with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000 on Financial and Corporate practice. The firm provides a wide range of legal services, including M&A, corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory, dispute resolution for multinational and domestic clients.

Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 6, 2023

Real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam discuss land disputes

 Real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam discuss land disputes

In Vietnam, land disputes, real estate disputes, and property disputes are among the most complicated disputes that frequently arise in everyday life. Settling these sorts of debates could take time and the land question legal counselor in Vietnam could assist with distinguishing the underlying drivers and propose reasonable methodology for mollification and settlement.

Real estate dispute lawyer in Vietnam discuss land disputes

What types of land disputes in Vietnam?

Land, real estate, and property disputes typically involve high stakes and a wide range of topics, including disputes over land use rights, ownership of property tied to land use rights, rights to land use rights derived from inheritance, property division disputes during divorce, disputes over transfer and transformation transactions, leasing, subleasing, and mortgages tied to property or land use rights.

What are land disputes in Vietnam?

A land use right dispute is a disagreement between two or more parties in a land use right relationship regarding the rights and responsibilities of land users.

What should the parties do to resolve a dispute over land? There are two ways in which a land dispute can be resolved: in court or through settlement procedures at state administrative agencies.

Firstly, for some sort of land questions, placation strategy at commune-level People’s Committee of the locality a where the contested land is found is obligatory condition and method.

Specifically, on the off chance that placation by parties can't be accomplished, the gatherings might send a request for pacification to he commune-level People’s Committee of the locality where the contested land is found.

When a petition for resolving a land dispute is received by the commune-level People's Committees, the conciliation process must be completed within 45 days. Only when all of the disputing parties are present can the conciliation take place. On the off chance that any of the questioning gatherings is missing for the subsequent time, the appeasement will be viewed as ineffective.

The following two cases will be used to settle the land dispute in the event that conciliation at a commune-level People's Committee fails:

-The land, first and foremost, debate in which the party has an endorsement or any of the papers recommended in Article 100 of Land regulation and the disagreement regarding resources connected to land will be settled by People’s Court.

Second, in the case of a land dispute in which neither party possesses the aforementioned documents, the parties have a choice between the following two approaches to settlement: recording a composed solicitation for question settlement with a competent People’s Committee or documenting a claim with a competent People’s Court in accordance with the law on civil procedures.

In the second case, the chairperson of the competent People’s Committee is in charge of resolving disputes between households, individuals, and communities when the party chooses to settle at a competent People's Committee. In accordance with the law governing administrative procedures, the parties can either file a claim with the chairperson of the provincial-level People's Committee or sue in a People's Court if they are dissatisfied with the settlement decision.

In the event that one party is an association, a strict establishment, an abroad Vietnamese or an unfamiliar contributed undertaking, the executive of the common level People’s Committee is liable for the settlement. In accordance with the law governing administrative procedures, the parties have the right to file a claim with the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment or a lawsuit with a People's Court if they are dissatisfied with the settlement decision.

It ought to be noticed that the lawfully compelling choice on question settlement should be completely maintained the gatherings. Assuming the gatherings neglect to go along, the choice will be authorized.

The following grounds shall be the basis for the settlement of land disputes in which the disputing parties do not possess a certificate or any of the documents required by the Land Law or the Decree detailing a number of articles of the Land Law:

-The disputing parties' evidence regarding the land's origin and use process;

-Actual land areas that are currently occupied by the parties in addition to the land area that is in dispute and the average land area that is shared by each household in the area;

-Conformity of the disputed land's current use status with land use plans that have been approved by competent state agencies;

-Particular treatment arrangements toward people with worthy administrations to the State; Land use rights recognition, lease, and allocation regulations.

How real estate dispute lawyers in Vietnam could help?

The people of Vietnam do not own  land. Land use rights can only be purchased and sold. As previously stated, the complexity of Vietnam's land law and related regulations, as well as the country's long-standing culture of land use, could complicate disputes involving real estate, land, and property.

A mandatory condition and procedure for some kinds of land disputes is that they must be resolved at the commune-level People's Committee of the locality where the disputed land is located. The parties to other kinds of property and real estate disputes could immediately file a claim with the court. It might be difficult to differentiate between dispute resolution methods. In order to avoid or resolve a dispute, it is recommended to consult a real estate dispute lawyer in Vietnam for early guidance and representation.